The 2020 COVID-19 Pandemic has ended. But not because a pathogenic virus disappeared from the population, or people became immune to such a virus; the pandemic waned because the test used to infer the presence of a virus changed from a PCR test to an ANTIGEN test.
An Antigen test is far less likely to show a positive “COVID” signal, up to 64% less likely.
The Two COVID Tests, The Antigen And The PCR, Are Different
A PCR detects (and greatly amplifies) small fragments of genetic material while an Antigen test signals the presence of protein (amino acid) fragments. Neither test can detect an actual virus.
The metric of the 2020 Pandemic, whether COVID disease or COVID death, for the most part, was guised as a positive PCR test, a technology only approved to be used for diagnostic purposes during an emergency. However, in August of 2021, the CDC revoked the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the COVID-only PCR test, and instead, the market switched to the far cheaper Antigen test.
The CDC has done studies comparing results obtained from Antigen tests to those of PCR. In a study, the same individuals were swabbed with both an Antigen and a PCR test, and 3419 paired specimens were obtained.
Here Is The Result Of The Study Comparing The Antigen To The PCR Test
In asymptomatic individuals, for every 5 positive PCR tests, less than 2 of the same 5 samples (individuals) were also positive on an Antigen test. In other words, the antigen tests have a 64% lower sensitivity compared to PCRs. In symptomatic individuals, the antigen test sensitivity was 35% lower compared to PCR tests.
Given the vast majority of people who test positive for COVID are asymptomatic, meaning they are not sick and exhibit no disease symptoms, and almost none of the at-home Antigen tests are recorded by the CDC for statistical purposes, we could expect a reduction of 64% or more in the number of reported positive test results in the general population simply by switching from a PCR test to an ANTIGEN test as the standard of COVID measurement.
Link to the CDC study comparing COVID Antigen test results to PCR results: